One Shop Stop
We offer a wide range of stock products and other stock formulations on request for private label. Most companies require very large initial orders but here at Royce Health we offer low minimum order of 120 (stock) to 300 (customized) bottles per item under your own label. A good way to start your private label journey without incurring large upfront fee.
Your Own Brand
Brand creation involves identifying your business strategy, target customers, their needs and your brand positioning. Private Labeling can be an important step in that journey to cement your customer loyalty. Marketing products with your company name and design on the package helps to ensure that customers associate with your company both for initial and future purchases.
Artwork for Your Private Labels?
First time designing your own private label? Don’t worry, our team of consultants will handhold you to select from a range of basic pre-designed artwork to custom-built designs to your liking. We can take your existing artwork or labels and feed them into our production line. Alternatively, you may also choose to be our distributors/retailers with in house brand labels.